when i wasn’t sleeping, eating, or shoveling snow
I was taking temps, giving meds, rubbing backs, rocking to sleep, cleaning, disinfecting,
and praying over littles
yes, the sick bug had moved in for an extended vacation over here at the boerman house
*first mr nancy man had it. the poor kid was down for 6 days
5 of which her had a fever over 103.0
the weird thing was, the only other symptom her had besides a fever was a wet cough
and in case you are wondering, a 1st grader that missed 5 days of school
does get a lot of make up homework… ugh
*last week little lenny came down with the crud
coupled with a major head cold
that so graciously led to gagging, bloody noses, and snot everywhere
it’s so sad to watch a 3 yr battle a fever of 104.0
do you know how to obtain stock in Tylenol/Motrin?
because in the last 2 weeks we went through so much
that all stock holders may be billionaires
or at least it feels like it
i’m praising Jesus that mrs frank has not shown any signs of being sick!
i know that the Lord does not cause our kids to get sick
but i really feel a closer relationship with him since the germs moved in
my husband and i have spent many hours praying over our sick kids
praying for fevers , germs, and misery to leave them in the name of Jesus
with all authority given in Christ’s name we demanded healing
i know God would not give me a test by making my children ill
(it’s the result of a fallen world)
but i feel He is using this time to reconnect us, drawing me closer to Him
making me rely completely on Him, and his healing power
he is the Great Physician after all
if you would join me in praying for children today
i would appreciate it
whether you have kids or not
I would greatly appreciate you joining me
let’s lift up the children
let’s pray that the Lord protects them, heals them, comforts them
that they would seek him, and call him Father
that they would lead a life as a believer in Jesus
and find rest in his promises
have a great day friends and i will also pray for your health today and everyday!
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