Dear husband… This past week has been pretty great. I am so proud if you. Working full-time and going to school all while juggling a needy wife and kids is not easy. We want to tell you that you are handling it great.
Dear friends… I have learned a lot this past week. What it means to be a friend, what ruins friendships, and how to care for ones that are special. I learned that I have a lot to work on to be a better friend. and that’s just what I plan on doing. I want to be the friend to you that you deserve.
Dear les mis… you were a great movie, I enjoyed the whole thing. I love the story of redemption and grace. God was definitely glorified through out the entire movie. I however did not get emotional at all. I saw pictures of people crying on instagram, read tweets about how people were needing space to process. What did i miss, what am i not understanding. the singing was fine and did not bother me one bit. I am just not sure how I did not overcome with emotion. maybe i was trying to hard, spending too much time worrying about how i was supposed to feel instead of just “feeling”. forgive me.
Dear kids… I am so excited that you are enjoying my smoothies. I am hoping to be a better example to you and start eating better. Once my sugar fast is over we will make some really yummy dessert smoothies. hypocrite i know!
Dear readers… Have you changed your rss subscription? I am going to switch to permanently soon. I would hate to have you miss out on what’s going on. I have already changed the rss links so if u chose them now you will be subscribed to the correct location.
If you are already at, yeah make sure you are subscribing to the latest posts.
Dear winter… I generally do not care for you but I am missing the piles of snow. we have not had to have the snow plows ONCE this year on our street. The kids have only went sledding once. could you give us one good “bury” before you go? thanks so much!
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